iWirkflo Designer and System Administrator Training

Sydney 8 Quay Street (Level 5), Sydney, NSW, Australia

This training program has been designed for the iWirkflo system administrators or the advanced power user. Program includes aspects of how to design and create workflow processes, as well as […]


iICE Validator for NPC User Training


Designed specifically for the users of the iICE Validator software, this program will train your staff on how to maintain, validate and successfully update product catalogues to NPC. Participants will […]

iICE MDM User Training


iICE MDM is a flexible software tool that allows the end user to customise to suit their requirements. This training program has been specifically designed for end users of iICE […]

iICE MDM NPC User Training


End-user training for the iICE MDM software in conjunction with the Connector for NPC. This training program covers the operations of the iICE Software and its use to manage GDSN […]

iICE MDM Technical Training


iICE MDM is a flexible software tool that allows the end user to customise to suit their requirements. This training program has been specifically designed for end users of iICE […]

iWirkflo User Training


iWirkflo is a graphical user interface that allows people to maintain and control workflow processes.  This course specifically provides for the ‘end-user’; the people who are entering data or completing […]

iWirkflo Designer and System Administrator Training


This training program has been designed for the iWirkflo system administrators or the advanced power user. Program includes aspects of how to design and create workflow processes, as well as […]

Innovit: Dinner Sponsor of the GS1 UK Healthcare Conference.

London Radisson Blu Edwardian Hotel, Heathrow, United Kingdom

“Helping the NHS save thousands of lives and millions of pounds” Innovit, a provider of world-leading software for master data management and data synchronisation supports more than 150 Healthcare-related product […]

iICE Validator for NPC User Training

Sydney 8 Quay Street (Level 5), Sydney, NSW, Australia

Designed specifically for the users of the iICE Validator software, this program will train your staff on how to maintain, validate and successfully update product catalogues to NPC. Participants will […]

iICE MDM User Training

Sydney 8 Quay Street (Level 5), Sydney, NSW, Australia

iICE MDM is a flexible software tool that allows the end user to customise to suit their requirements. This training program has been specifically designed for end users of iICE […]