A modern, multi-tenanted, cloud-based SaaS platform designed for our AUSUDID that will make your job easier today.Reimagine your business and reduce the total cost of ownership of navigating the collection and cleansing of your data for AUSUDID!
Publish validated data effortlessly with trading partners using Innovit’s GDSN Connector on the cloud.
User-friendly, user-configurable, certified GDSN Solution
Features & Benefits
Reduce product master data maintenance costs, improve data quality & consistency and streamline data publication
processes to customers using GDSN.cloud!
Suppliers can aggregate product master data from internal systems and convert this item data into GDSN compliant formats for publishing to GPOs, distributors and hospitals (e.g., Vizient, Medline, Mayo Clinic).
GPOs and hospitals can then download trusted product data via the GDSN to enrich their master data for syndication to internal systems.
Pre-packaged, low-cost solution for healthcare suppliers with multi-stage workflow automation!
Review product data against the latest GDSN validation rules and code lists to ensure compliance.Certified by the world’s leading GDSN data pool providers including atrify, 1WorldSync, Syndigo and NPC.
Highly configurable, user-friendly workflow automation to enrich, validate, approve and publish product catalogs to trading partners via GDSN data pools.
Real-time, graphical data validation reports provide full visibility into data quality to ensure the delivery of trusted product data to supply chain and clinical professionals.